
A unique combination of electronics and mechanical engineering experience

We expanded our operations to Estonia in 2005, when Reimax Electronics OÜ was established as a result of the acquisition of a manufacturing unit for the production of wire harnesses. Reimax Electronics OÜ is focused on the production of wire harnesses, fibre optic cables and equipment cables, and electromechanical assemblies.

We moved to a newly built production facility specifically designed for us in the Allika Industrial Park at the beginning of 2024.


The mission of Reimax Electronics OÜ is to be an important link in the customer value chain, contributing in the best way to the success of our customers and partners. We manufacture products that meet the most demanding special needs of our customers, offering both partial and complete solutions.


Our company values equality and honesty and respects the creation of anyone. We want to offer our clients a reliable and long-term partnership: the cornerstone of our business is the client's needs.

We achieve an optimal end result by working together and making the best possible use of the expertise of both parties. Our processes are in constant improvement, enabling us to respond to constant change in different areas.

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