- Expo area
- Tallinna Ehituskool
Stand : V09
Väärt meistrite kool
You can learn to become a master in Tallinn Construction School
- construction,
- electricity,
- wood,
- finishing,
- restoration and/or
- landscaping!
- info
You can register for a professional workshop with the teachers. We have apprenticeships in Europe and very good study grants. Our teachers are international experts and practitioners. Tallinn School of Civil Engineering is a solid choice, we offer a solid profession. Read more at www.ehituskool.ee/vastuvott and come and study at Tallinn School of Civil Engineering!
Studying at Tallinn School of Civil Engineering is FREE! Tallinn Construction School offers education in the fields of construction, electricity and woodworking:
- 3-year vocational secondary education,
- 3 years of vocational education: 3 years of vocational education, 3.5 years of vocational education, 0.5-2 years of vocational education,
- 3.5 - 2.5 years of apprenticeship, 2.5 - 2.5 years of apprenticeship
- courses of varying lengths, including upgrading of qualifications.
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